Flavors of Northern Cyprus
One of the most beautiful advantages of many cultures living together over time and being home to many civilizations is undoubtedly the acquisition of culinary culture.
Thu, 10 Sep 2020
The cuisine, a blend of centuries-old history and civilizations
Northern Cyprus is a lucky country in this respect, you can see dozens of different tastes and hundreds of different types of food in almost every village. Likewise, in tourism establishments, you will meet tastes that bear the traces of almost every culture. Are you ready to get to know the special dishes and flavors of Northern Cyprus that must be tried?
Çakıztes Prepared by Labor
For Çakıztes, which is prepared with unique green olives in Northern Cyprus, green olives are broken by hand with the use of special stones. Olive oil is a source of healthy life in the country, which has become a dietary habit. It is known that people live longer and healthier in regions where olive oil forms the nutritional culture.
Turkish Tradition Cube Kebab
The Turkish tradition cube kebab, known to the Cypriots as Kleftiko, is also a delicacy of the culinary culture that cannot be missed. The legendary dish, in which lamb meat marinated in olive oil, garlic, onions and herbs is cooked with oil-proof paper or foil to preserve its aroma and juice, is a flavor you will never forget.
Cyprus Unique Dough Rice
Pilavuna, which is an appetizing type of pastry, is a unique Cypriot pastry with cheese in it. The incredibly delicious dough, made of yeast dough in the consistency of a donut, is rolled thinly, and the famous curd cheese of Cyprus, dried mint or raisins are placed inside, you should also try the halloumi cheese option.
Taste Feast Peach Kebab
If you left the country without tasting the peach kebab, don't say I was in Cyprus because you missed a lot. Onion, lamb sleeve, parsley, pepper and salt are used in the stuffing of the peach kebab, which is a kind of skinless kebab made from a lamb's shirt and called a crépinette. The stuffing, which is made into small meatballs, is wrapped in a lamb's shirt, skewered and either fried or grilled. If you are not vegetarian, you should definitely taste this feast of taste.
Molehiya, a Meal Cooked at Home
Another flavor feast made with the leaves of Nalta jute or Tossa jute or Corchorus Olitorius plant, which is known as hibiscus in our culture, is the Molehiya dish. Molehiya, a plant native to Cyprus, is actually grown on the banks of the Nile River in Egypt. This also shows us the influence of the Egyptians on Cyprus. The plant, which is very beneficial for health, is dried in the summer, cooked with fresh tomatoes, onions, garlic, lemon juice, lamb or chicken meat, there is also a meatless version for those who do not like meat. You are likely to find molehiya, a home-cooked meal, in home-cooked restaurants in the old walled area of Nicosia.
Some Potatoes Some Walnut Kolakas
The starchy bulb of the tropical plant Kolakas, which comes from the euphorbia family, is consumed as a meal. The plant, which tastes like a potato, is usually consumed like a potato and has a slightly more walnut-like taste. The Kolakas plant, whose bark and root are poisonous, should be cleaned very carefully and should never be eaten raw.
The World-Known Cyprus Cheese Halloumi
Another culture produced in the Cyprus region and known all over the world is Halloumi. Halloumi cheese, which is known as halloumi, is usually produced from a mixture of goat and sheep milk. It is also possible to come across productions in which plain cow's milk is also used. Halloumi is a semi-hard, immature cheese in brine.
Legendary Taste Halloumi
The less salty dough type of Northern Cyprus, made with halloumi cheese, is one of the most special tastes of Cypriots. A mixture of finely chopped onion, diced halloumi cheese and mint is put into the dough, which is made by using flour, salt, butter, water and olive oil. The pastry baked in the oven with sesame or black cumin spread is among the legendary tastes of the island country.
The Famous Walnut Jam of Cyprus
And of course, another wonderful thing that cannot be missed is Cyprus' famous walnut jam, as they call it, walnut paste. Walnut jam, served on small plates with tiny forks, is not only a heritage of Cypriot culture, but also a proof of hospitality shown to guests. Cypriots make jam from every vegetable, every snack, every fruit, even every plant.
The Oldest Flavor Carob Molasses in the Culture of the Cypriots
Carob We can say that molasses is the oldest flavor in Cypriot culture. Carob, the product of carob trees that began to be cultivated in the first century AD, has been exported for centuries. Honey is obtained from the kernels of carobs collected from trees in the Beşparmak Mountains. This excellent honey is consumed as a delicious syrup.
If you would like to examine more and different flavors unique to Northern Cyprus "Cyprus Local Tastes" You can check our page.