Living in Northern Cyprus - Cyprus Journey

Living in Northern Cyprus


Northern Cyprus is one of the favourite countries with its climate and living standards. Summers are long and dry, winters are short and rainy, where the Mediterranean climate is dominant.

In addition to its climate, Northern Cyprus decorates many people's dreams with its many attractive features. Life in Northern Cyprus is comfortable, peaceful and simple.

Traffic, which is the biggest problem in large countries, is a rare problem in Northern Cyprus because there are not many people living on the island. Even in extremely heavy traffic, you can reach anywhere you want on time without waiting too much.

Although the main language spoken in North Cyprus is Turkish, it is possible to communicate with a large part of it by speaking English.

You can easily convert many currencies into Turkish Lira in Northern Cyprus. In addition, money can be withdrawn from ATMs, or it is possible to pay by card at most points. 


climate of cyprus


In Northern Cyprus, where you will not have any trouble in communication, there are two different mobile services, and there are +90 392 for international calls and +90 code for mobile phones. 220 / 240V electrical system and 3 socket outlets are used in North Cyprus.

Electricity is provided from KIBTEK. Payment options are on the flat or through the bank. On the other hand, water is supplied through the network line in the city and by a well or water tanker outside the city.

Water coming from the network line is not used as drinking water. Gas demand in Northern Cyprus is met by a tube since there is no gas line. In general, it is seen that Northern Cyprus is among the first choices of people who want a quiet and peaceful life.